Do’s and don’ts following breast augmentation surgery for a faster recovery

Breast augmentation surgery restores your youthful figure, which you may have lost due to weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or age. It also makes the breasts more proportionate to the rest of the body. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery in Mumbai, and wish to clear doubts about post-surgery recovery routine, read on.
Here, we discuss some of the do’s and don’ts that a renowned cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai suggest for healthy breast augmentation recovery.
Things to do after breast augmentation for faster recovery:
Rest a lot
Breast augmentation is a major procedure, after which your body will need time to recover. You may feel extremely tired post-surgery, and you should take one week off to rest. Proper rest will help your body to regain strength and speed the healing.
Sleep on your back
After breast augmentation, always sleep on your back and avoid sleeping on your stomach or side. Sleeping sideways can shift or droop your implants and may also cause irritation to your incisions. Breasts and nipples are extremely tender and are in the most comfortable position only when you lie on your back while keeping your head slightly elevated.
Eat healthy
A balanced diet with plenty of fluids is important after breast augmentation. Follow instructions regarding the diet given by your nutritionist or the doctor. Increase protein intake and fuel your diet with vegetables and fruits to ensure a good intake of other essential nutrients. In addition, drink plenty of water and take your prescribed pain medications religiously.
Wear post-surgical bras
For the first one to two months, you must wear post-surgical bras or other non-underwired bras to reduce swelling and be more comfortable as you recover. Avoid wearing underwire bras for the first 12 weeks as they rub against your skin and can damage the healing scars.
Massage your breasts
A week after the surgery, the surgeon recommends some breast massage techniques to help your breast implants settle faster and keep them soft.
Be patient and seek support
Be patient with yourself during the recovery and have someone to assist and take care of you, especially if you have young children. If you have any doubt about the healing process, don’t hesitate to contact your surgeon.
Things that you shouldn’t do following a breast augmentation
Don’t take a shower.
For the first 24 hours, don’t take a shower. You should also avoid getting into the water, in bathtubs and swimming pools, until your wounds are fully closed. This is because water can introduce bacteria to your incised skin, causing an infection and complications.
Don’t engage in strenuous activities.
Strenuous activities such as exercises, heavy lifting, running, cardio classes, and yoga cause the breasts to move excessively and must be avoided. These activities could raise your blood pressure and result in bleeding. However, you can resume light activities such as walking or driving after a few days with your doctor’s approval. You must not travel during the recovery because it will impede the healing process.
Don’t smoke or drink.
It is recommended that patients should remain tobacco-free for at least a month thereafter. Smoking slows down your healing ability by inhibiting oxygen-rich blood from efficiently reaching your incisions. Also, avoid consuming alcohol as it increases your risk of bleeding, infections, and drug interactions by dehydrating your body.
All plastic surgeons share personalised instructions after breast augmentation to ensure safe and predictable recovery for each patient. Dr. Ashish Ghuge is known for his genuine care and long-term guidance to all his patients who get breast augmentation surgery in Mumbai. If you have any inquiries about the cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, the procedure or concerns about the recovery process, you can schedule a one-to-one consultation with Dr. Ashish Ghuge. During this appointment, he will help you understand the procedure and recovery and address any other queries you have.