Liposuction Surgery
liposuction surgery in mumbai

Liposuction surgery is a minimally invasive body sculpting procedure in which the surgeon removes fat that is unresponsive to dieting and exercising. Liposuction should not be misunderstood for weight-reducing surgery. It is actually meant for well-motivated people with unsightly fatty deposits and not overall obesity. This procedure can be applied to nearly anybody and is commonly used in multiple areas during an operation. Liposuction results in a slimmer proportioned figure and further motivate towards a healthier lifestyle. In addition, liposuction is used effectively to reduce love handles, saddlebags, a double-chin, a bulge around the waistline to better shape, and a more beautiful body.
People in metro cities are comparatively more health concious. On the contrary, a swarthy body type can make you feel anxious about your heavy looks. That’s where surgical liposuction has gained popularity, and today, more people looking to lipo and good surgeons who can give the expected results. However, liposuction procedure does not intend weight loss primarily, but still, people want it for the following reasons
- You are of average body weight but have certain fat deposits that do not respond to any form of exercise or dieting.
- The fat deposits prevent you from wearing your choice of outfits.
- If you are slightly heavier, losing some fat bulges will motivate you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- You have already had liposuction before and want to have it done in a different body area now.
- You have had liposuction done before, and you still want a better contour in the same area.
- You have gone through pregnancy and cannot shed the extra kilos gained and/or as a part of the mommy makeover.
- You have gone through pregnancy and cannot shed the extra kilos gained and/or as a part of the mommy makeover.
Also Read : Liposuction – Which type suits you the best?
The areas to be treated will be marked preoperatively in the standing position. Liposuction is usually done as a day-care procedure under general anesthesia. You will be discharged either on the same or the very next day, depending upon the areas treated and volume of fat removed.
Dr. Ashish Ghuge uses the Tumescent technique for liposuction. A large amount of solution is injected into the target areas through very small and inconspicuous cuts. This solution helps in the suction of fat and minimizes bleeding. In addition, Dr. Ghuge uses the Microaire Liposuction machine for body sculpting to get better results than traditional liposuction.

You will love the final contour and will feel motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The areas of your body where liposuction is done will not form bulges again; hence the procedure is permanent for those areas. You need to maintain a routine diet and exercise to avoid fat deposits in areas that are not treated with liposuction. The cuts made for the surgery are very small and hidden within the natural creases in your body in most places. You may still be advised of some scar-reducing creams by Dr. Ghuge to help fade away the residual scars.
Also Read : Benefits of Getting Liposuction in Winter
Liposuction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, patients are given medications for pain control and is tolerable.This pain gradually reduces after 2 to 3 days.
Fat generally does not return after a liposuction procedure. The results are mostly permanent as this surgery effectively removes fat cells, and fat cells do not duplicate.
Having said that, people who do not follow post-procedure instructions, indulge in unhealthy diets, and have a sedentary lifestyle, can experience weight gain.
Our surgeon will give you guidelines about what you need to maintain for some days before the liposuction procedure. Make sure you have a trusted friend or family member to drive you to and from the surgery centre.
Before the surgery, any blood-thinning medication, such as aspirin, should be discontinued. Furthermore, blood work is done ahead of time to confirm you are a good candidate for anesthesia and the overall surgery. On the day of surgery, no food or drink should be consumed for around 12 hours before the appointment time.
Since the surgical device cannula (microcannula) is a small device, the scars are quite tiny and almost not visible. The amount of redness will depend on how many insertion points are made and on the elasticity of the skin. The scars fade with time.
Besides, our surgeon provides you with discrete guidelines on how to care for and reduce the redness of your skin.
Liposuction is not a weight loss prcoedure. The target is inch loss and shaping of body.
According to FDA, about 10percent of body weight fat removal is allowed in a liposuction procedure.
For pure weight loss, bariatric surgery or diet and exercise is recommended in overweight individuals.
For pure fat loss and shaping of body liposuction of concerned areas is recommended.
For skin excess along with fat, lift surgeries or tightening procedures are recommended such tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift surgeries.